November 9, 2021

International Conference to Feature Experts in Lifespan Services Supporting Quality of Life for Autistic Individuals/Individuals with Autism

Join the SUNY Empire State College Center for Autism Inclusivity and Anderson Center for Autism for their inaugural conference, Partners in Applied Behavior Analysis: Creating Quality of Life through Professional, Global, and Advocacy Partnerships.

The single-track, virtual conference will be held on Friday, November 12, 2021 at 9 a.m. EST. Registrants can also view the conference asynchronously.


  • Regular Registration: $60 until 10/31; $75 after 11/1
  • Student & Veteran Registration: $50 until 10/31; $60 after 11/1

Featured Presentations:

  • Moving Beyond Disciplinary Centrism
  • Anderson Center International Panel
  • Dignity is a Human Right
  • ABA, Autism, and Inclusivity Panel

Continuing Education Hours:

When you attend, you have the opportunity to earn 4 New York State Continuing Teacher and Leader Education Hours or 4 BCBA Learning (2 ethics) CEs following synchronous or asynchronous participation.

Visit the Partners in Applied Behavior Analysis conference website for information on registration, presenters, continuing education hours, sponsorship opportunities, and more.

Questions? Email 


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