When you earn your degree with SUNY Empire State College, your classroom is wherever you happen to be — at home, at work, and on the go. We bring the classroom to you through more than 110 online undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs. We also have in-person locations throughout New York state!

State University of New York logo

And because we’re part of the State University of New York, our degree programs are not only high quality, but they’re also affordable, too.

Foam fingers with the number one on them

SUNY Empire helped pioneer education for busy adults, and we’ve been teaching online for more than 25 years. We’re also consistently rated #1 in student satisfaction among SUNY’s four-year comprehensive college students.


At SUNY Empire, you can also earn college credit for prior learning and life experience, saving you time and money on your degree.


Learn with a leader in flexible, accessible education. Earn your degree — from wherever you are — at SUNY Empire.

So where’s your classroom?