Session 1

Session 1 | Presentations | 9:30am

Sine Rofofsky - SUNY Schenectady
Jennifer Gbur - SUNY Schenectady

In this session participants will explore giving credit, both paraphrasing and direct quotations, in the content of projects, whether papers, presentations, or other submissions. Jennifer and Sine,  reference librarians at SUNY Schenectady, will explore with participants how to accurately acknowledge the lesser-known sources according to the three main style manuals (APA, MLA and Chicago). The session will explore when to cite, how to cite, and when something is considered common knowledge, using examples such as poetry, classical works, web-based videos, class lectures, and more.  

Conference Strand: Academic Integrity

Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-Secondary

Session Recording

Christopher Bent - Piccles

This engaging workshop will awaken everyone's inner child while we connect and learn from each other in a playful way using a new classroom creativity tool called Piccles. 

Conference Strand: Emerging Technologies

Target Audience: Grades K-12

Session Recording

Pamela Doran - Empire State College Alumni

Learn how to use free machine translation tools like Google translate, Microsoft Translator, and Immersive Reader to communicate and engage with students and families who speak languages other than English.  

Conference Strand: Accessibility and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-Secondary

Session Recording

Brian Curcio - Rapunzl
Myles Gage - Rapunzl

In this session led by Rapunzl, high school educators will learn about the benefits of incorporating Rapunzl's real-time investment simulator and project-based financial literacy curriculum into their classroom. Rapunzl is a cutting-edge investment platform that allows students to learn about personal finance and investing in a fun and engaging way.

During this session, Rapunzl will discuss the importance of financial literacy in today's world and how their program can help students develop the skills they need to make informed financial decisions. Educators will learn about the real-time investment simulator, which allows students to invest virtual money in real stocks and see the results of their investments in real-time.

Additionally, educators will learn about the project-based financial literacy curriculum that Rapunzl offers, which includes activities and lessons designed to teach students about budgeting, saving, investing, and more. These resources are designed to help students develop the skills they need to manage their money effectively and make informed financial decisions throughout their lives.

Overall, this session is a must-attend for any high school educator who wants to help their students build a strong foundation in personal finance and investing. With Rapunzl's innovative program, educators can provide their students with the tools and resources they need to succeed financially and achieve their goals.

Conference Strand: Game Based Learning and Simulations

Target Audience: Grades K-12, Post-Secondary

Sorry. Due to unforeseen circumstances, this session was canceled.

Liz Gallo - WhyMaker

Are you curious about the best STEM products for your classroom or makerspace? Join us in this presentation while we show off what we love and what we know are great products for your students. We'll be showcasing a 3-in-1 3D printer, engraver and cutter; a variety of coding robots; programmable USB sensors, and more! We will also be sharing ideas and tips for how to integrate these technologies into your classroom.

Conference Strand: Emerging Technologies

Target Audience: Grades K-12

Session Recording