Multi-Factor Authentication FAQ

We have answers to most of your common questions regarding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) at Empire State University. Don't see an answer? Feel free to contact the IT Service Desk.


All students, staff and faculty should enroll and set up their MFA authentication methods today! It will be required for all on June 15, 2022. 

To setup your authentication methods for MFA, go to your Microsoft Security Information page. You can follow along using the instruction in our knowledgebase:  Setup for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

  • Mobile Notification for approval (Microsoft Authenticator app required)
  • Verification Code (Microsoft Authenticator app required)
  • Text Message for verification code
  • Phone Calls for verification code
  • Web Browser plug in for Google Chrome, Edge and Firefox for verification code.

ITS supports the use of the Microsoft Authenticator app with the Mobile Notification method because of its ease of use and the highest security benefit.  There is no need to enter a code to authenticate. While other authenticator apps such as Google Authenticator can be used, the IT Service Desk only supports the Microsoft Authenticator App.

To view instructions of setting up each verification method, go to the ITS knowledgebase article,  Setup for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

  • Microsoft 365 applications
  • The Virtual Private Network (VPN) for remote access
  • Brightspace Digital Learning Environment - Coming Fall 2022

No! Registering methods using the authenticator app or using a texted code gives your device access to the university website and services. It does not give the university access to your device.

Contact the IT Service Desk for assistance to report your device lost/stolen or to set up your new device.

You can use a home or office phone to set up a voice phone call to receive the security code.

The length of time that the approval is valid depends on each systems configuration.  When accessing the Brightspace DLE, the length of time between approvals is still being determined by SUNY Admin.  At SUNY Empire, for Microsoft 365, when you provide the approval with the mfa method you use, you will be approved in the web browser for several days.  But, there are conditions where you may need to approve again:

  • If you clear your cookies and cache in a web browser you approved in.
  • If you change locations, from home to office.
  • If you change web browsers (i.e., approve in Chrome web browser to check email and open Edge to look at a Word Doc.)


The Microsoft Authenticator app can be used for iOS and Android Mobile devices. While the authenticator app can be downloaded to a Macbook, we are still testing that functionality.

There are approved web browser plugins that can be added directly into your web browser, on your computer that can provide a verification code. The code appears in the corner of your browser.  Instruction for using a web browser plugin for authentication can be found in the IT knowledgebase article Setting up MFA Using the Authenticator Web Browser Extension.