Donna Carmody '23

Donna Carmody

While pursuing her associate degree at SUNY Ulster Community College, Donna Carmody became a single mother. When her son, now three, was diagnosed with autism, it could have derailed her educational plans, but she was determined to finish her bachelor’s degree.  She found SUNY Empire to be an ideal fit, allowing her to put her son’s needs first and do schoolwork late at night or in spurts during the day.

“When I started this journey, I was still fairly new in recovery and nervous,” she said. “In my first semester, I found out I was pregnant, but I continued to attend school. I even started having contractions during my last final of the semester. When my son was four weeks old the next semester started, and I attended courses online. I was nursing him during exams and changing diapers in between lecture videos.”

Donna also received invaluable support from the Empire State Opportunity Program (ESOP), a program she calls “a lifesaver.” Among other resources, ESOP provides students with financial assistance, academic supports, mentorship and coaching, and early degree planning.

“The additional funding helped me attend school and pay for my Internet access,” she said. “My mentor was always there to answer questions or get me a learning coach if needed. It also held me accountable in my classes, as they do regular check-ins with the professors to make sure our grades and efforts are on track.”

The high-touch, personalized ESOP program offers students the guidance and advice they need, which, coupled with the funding received from scholarships like the Stewart’s Shops Community College Scholarship, enables them to be successful. Students like Donna, who is the first person in her family to attend college, thrive with this kind of support.

Being a single mother and recovering alcoholic with two college degrees under her belt seemed insurmountable a decade ago. Today, Donna is proud of her accomplishments and wants to show her son that anything is possible. She hopes to one day get her MBA and pursue a career in sales and marketing.

“In the 7-1/2 years I’ve been sober, I’ve become a woman of integrity and determination,” she said. “I raise my son, help other people in recovery, and continue to set and reach new goals for myself. Empire State University, the scholarships I have received, and the support from professors and staff have helped keep me on track to achieving this goal that I never would have thought possible. It sounds so cliche, but if I can do it, anyone can do it!”


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