Objectives and Goals

Objectives and goals support our four strategic priorities and are essential components of a strategic plan.

Objectives are broad, overarching statements that articulate the outcomes Empire State University aims to achieve through our strategic plan, Elevate '28. Objectives are often qualitative and inspirational, highlighting the strategic intent of our institution.

Goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) targets that support our objectives. They break down the broader objectives into concrete, manageable steps. Goals are also quantifiable and actionable, allowing us to track our progress and measure our success.

Together, objectives and goals, listed in the left-hand navigation and linked below, create a framework that helps ensure effective decision-making and focused achievement of our strategic priorities. Our values of access, DEI, flexibility, and innovation flow through these objectives and goals.

Objectives & Goals

Strategic-Plan-Objectives-and-Goals (PDF 172kB)