Entry Access and Authorization Policy

Entry Access and Authorization Policy


Office of Safety and Security


Director of Safety and Security


Safety and Security



Effective Date:


Implementation History:

First published date 5/2022


Access, Entry Items, SUNY Empire property, building access

Background Information:

This policy was created to clearly define procedures regarding how to secure entry items and what personnel is authorized to obtain entry items.


As part of SUNY Empire State University’s focus on maintaining a secure environment for its personnel while maintaining secure campus buildings, the following policy serves as guidance for campus entry access. This policy outlines the control, use and possession of keys, key fobs, codes and any other means of access (“Entry Items”) issued to University personnel for use in University facilities.  These procedures are implemented by the Office of Safety and Security, and overseen by the Executive Director of Operations.


Entry Items: Items covered by this policy include keys, key fobs, codes and any other means of access (“Entry Items”) into a SUNY Empire property.

Requesting Party: The individual and/or office/department requesting an entry item.


This policy is designed to provide both security and access to campus facilities by campus personnel.

Keys for desks, file cabinets, display cases and other similar items are not covered by this policy. They should be requested by submitting a work order directly to the Facilities department.

All personnel issued Empire State University entry items must safeguard those items at all times. If an entry item is lost or stolen, the Office of Safety & Security shall be immediately notified so appropriate security issues can be addressed and an Incident Report can be completed. (campus.safety@esc.edu)

Entry items to an ESC property may be requested for full-time, part-time, adjunct and temporary personnel for the duration of their employment at the University.

The temporary assignment of keys for special circumstances must be arranged with the Office of Safety and Security and approved by the Director of Safety and Security or their designee.

Construction projects, janitorial services, or repairs of campus facilities which require the issuance of a key to a contractor must be approved by the Director of Safety and Security, or their designee. Prior to receiving keys, a release must be signed by the contractor agreeing to deduct funds from their fee if a key is lost, forcing doors to be rekeyed. Each contractor will also be required to sign for keys prior to being issued keys from the Office of Safety and Security.  All issued keys keys shall be returned as soon as the work is completed, or the contractor leaves campus.

General Entry Item and Building Security

Entry items issued to campus personnel are the property of Empire State University. As such, unauthorized fabrication, duplication, possession or use of entry items to Empire State University facilities is prohibited.

All entry items are required to be returned to the Office of Safety & Security prior to an employee’s departure from the University or reassignment within the university. If an employee is reassigned to another department, a new entry item will be issued upon the return of the previously assigned one.

Entry item holders shall not lend their entry items to anyone.

Entry item holders are responsible for their entry items until returned to the Office of Safety & Security (i.e., until employment at ESC ends or if new entry items are required based on an employee’s reassignment).

Entry item holders shall not unlock buildings or rooms for other person(s) unless the other person(s) has/have permission to access those areas. Questions related to permissions shall be directed to the Office of Safety & Security.

In the event of lost or stolen entry items, the holder shall immediately notify Safety & Security.

The Office of Safety & Security will conduct regular assessments and examinations of each University department’s entry items distribution in comparison to the needs of the University community.

An inventory of keys must be completed at least once on an annual basis. Any discrepancies in the database (i.e. lost, stolen or broken keys) must be reported to the Safety and Security Department.

Master and Sub-Master Keys

All requests for Master or Sub-Master Keys will be reviewed and authorized by the Office of Safety & Security.

Approval is based upon the requestor’s need for accessibility to those areas of the campus. In an attempt to make the campus more secure it is Empire State University’s policy to limit the number of Master and Sub-Master Keys distributed.

In compliance with fire and safety regulations, personal locks are prohibited on all doors and will be removed accordingly.

Note: personal cabinets, lockers, files, or university cabinets meant to maintain personal items may be secured with personal locks.


Applicable Legislation and Regulations

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

Related References, Policies, Procedures, Forms and Appendices

To request access to a SUNY Empire building:

  1. Obtain and complete the Entry Item Access Request Form (Appendix A)
  2. Return the Access Request Form to CampusSafety@sunyempire.edu for review.
  3. If access is authorized, Safety & Security will create/distribute the applicable entry item to the requesting party.
  4. The requesting party must sign out the entry item in-person once informed that it is ready for pick-up.
  1. When issuing keys to employees, vendors, or contractors, the Building Coordinator, Director, or Supervisor for the respective department must keep the following information in a database or manual log:
    1. Key code number (stamped on key)
    2. Person the key was assigned to
    3. Room number for key
    4. Date the key was issued
    5. Date the key was lost/stolen/damaged
    6. New issued date
    7. Date the key was returned

Appendix A Entry Item Access Request Form (file 30kB)